Ungrateful Fish || The Story Telling Fish https://youtu.be/0CVvoJXpdwQ Poster : Moral : BE THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL. LIFE'S A CHOICE SO CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY AND DONT COMPARE TO OTHER PEOPLE. FULL STORY : One day a father and son were sitting chatting by the river. The father said to his son, "Look at my son, water is so important in this life, without water we would all die." At the same time, a small fish hears the conversation from beneath the surface of the water, the little fish is suddenly agitated and wants to know what water is, which it says is so important in this life. The little fish swam from upstream to downstream of the river while asking every fish it met, "Do you know where the water is? I have heard human speech that without water life will die. " It turns out that all the fish that have been asked don't know where the water is. The little fish was getting confused. Then he swam towards the spring to meet with the elder fish t...